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This domain is located with the following provider

Reseller NordName
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Our resellers

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Net9 Oy

Net9 offers services in the fields of gaming and information technology. In addition to domain names, from them you may acquire game and voice servers as well as web hosting services.

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ServOnyx Network

Servonyx offers premium web hosting plans for all websites. Business or personal, large or small - they've got it! All websites are hosted securely in the UK and managed 24/7.

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NordName offers domain name registration as well as web hosting services. Even though most of its services are aimed at enterprises and ISPs, private consumers are also welcome to make purchases.

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Raw affordable power, from Finland. Bittivirta has all web services from web hosting and website design to game and dedicated servers. All you need to do is unleash the power of the services.


About us

NordName (C-Soft Ltd) runs Nordic Domain Name Network, which Internet Service Providers and other organisations are free to join in order to resell domain name registration services.

If you are interested in becoming a reseller, see here.

Company information

Legal name: C-Soft Oy
Auxiliary trading names: C-Soft Ltd, C-Soft Ab
Correspondence address: Kylänpuolentie 197, FI-90460 Oulunsalo, Finland

Business ID: 0678742-2
VAT Number: FI06787422

Chief Executive Officer: Kasper Oikarinen

NordName® is a registered trademark of C-Soft Oy (EUIPO 018531600).

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